Update Experiment Notes

So far, all of the examples have involved getting data from the server. This example shows you how to modify resource data by sending a PUT request to add a note to an experiment.

Get the current notes

First, see what is currently stored for the experiment with id=3:

import json
import requests

base_url = 'http://myhost/rundb/api/v1'
resp = requests.get('%s/experiment/3/'%base_url, auth=('myusername', 'mypassword'))
resp_json = resp.json()

Among other data, the response data shows there are no notes in the notes field of experiment 3:

"notes": "",

Add a Note

Construct a JSON notes string, using the json library dumps method.

metaData = json.dumps({ "notes" : "This is a sample note." })

For PUT and POST reqeusts, data are passed in the message body instead of as a parameter. Set the message body to the notes JSON string created, above.

Also, the JSON data format must be specified in the message header, using the form: ‘content-type’:’application/json’.

putResp = requests.put('%s/experiment/3/'%base_url,
                                                auth=('myusername', 'mypassword'))

Now send a GET request for the same experiment to verify that the text was added to the notes field:

resp = requests.get('%s/experiment/3/'%base_url, auth=('myusername', 'mypassword'))
resp_json = resp.json()

Typically, you would also test the response status code to verify the action was performed successfully:


The notes field now contains the string sent with the PUT request:

"notes": "This is a sample note.",

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