Torrent Suite™ Software API Cookbook


This “cookbook” introduces you to the basic capabilities of the Torrent Suite™ Software API, using the learn-by-doing method.

API topics are presented in the form of examples that are “recipes” for mastering each of the various topics. The examples are arranged in order, from the simplest “hello, world” type of application to increasingly complex functionality, where each depends on the understanding gained in previous examples. Each example demonstrates a real-world application that can be easily extended. From the basic operations involved in retrieving data through selecting and sorting data and, finally, updating data and creating new resource objects, you gain the knowledge needed to begin your own application development.

See the API reference tables for the full syntax needed to extend the applications presented in this document:

The API Quick Reference provides a summary of select APIs:

Table of contents

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Database Access Examples

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About the Examples

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