Run a Plugin

You can use the API to run plugins programmatically, including passing parameters to plugins.

Topics on this page:

Get a list of plugins

Enter the plugin resource name in the URI to get a list of all plugins. Use the parameter active=True to restrict the list to the currently installed plugins.


The response includes plugin metadata and the data for each plugin in the system. Notice that, by default, the response only included 20 elements but the total_count meta field indicates there are 28 plugins. (Append limit=0 to show all the results in a single response, or use offset=20 to get the next 20 entries.)

        "meta": {
                "limit": 20,
                "next": "/rundb/api/v1/plugin/?offset=20&limit=20&format=json",
                "offset": 0,
                "previous": null,
                "total_count": 28
        "objects": [
                        "autorun": true,
                        "chipType": "",
                        "date": "2011-05-06T19:09:45.438365",
                        "id": "23",
                        "libraryName": "",
                        "name": "top100Ionogram",
                        "path": "/results/plugins/top100Ionogram",
                        "project": "",
                        "resource_uri": "/rundb/api/v1/plugin/23/",
                        "sample": "",
                        "selected": false,
                        "version": "0"
                        "autorun": true,
                        "chipType": "",
                        "date": "2011-05-06T19:09:45.477418",
                        "id": "24",
                        "libraryName": "",
                        "name": "AmpliconRep",
                        "path": "/results/plugins/AmpliconRep",
                        "project": "",
                        "resource_uri": "/rundb/api/v1/plugin/24/",
                        "sample": "",
                        "selected": false,
                        "version": "0"
                        "autorun": true,
                        "chipType": "",
                        "date": "2011-05-06T19:09:45.760567",
                        "id": "42",
                        "libraryName": "",
                        "name": "igv",
                        "path": "/results/plugins/igv",
                        "project": "",
                        "resource_uri": "/rundb/api/v1/plugin/42/",
                        "sample": "",
                        "selected": false,
                        "version": "0"

Specify the filtering criteria or the plugin id to retrieve the data for a single plugin.

Start a plugin without parameters

The following code snippet shows how to start a plugin that requires no parameters. (The requests and simplejson Python libraries are used, as in previous examples.)

Use a dictionary that has the plugin keyword and the plugin name as the value:

myPlugin = json.dumps( {"plugin": ["AmpliconRep"]} )

Send a POST request to run the plugin with the plugin name in the request body:

status ='http://myhost/rundb/api/v1/plugin/84/',
               auth=('myusername', 'mypassword'))

Start a plugin with parameters

To run a plugin requiring runtime parameters, simply add the parameters to the dictionary, as in the following code snippet, and include the plugin name and parameters in the request body:

myPlugin = json.dumps(
        "plugin": ["AmpliconRep"],
        "pluginconfig" : { "user_variables" : "foo" }

Again, send a POST request to run the plugin.

Here is a complete example using httplib2. (The shebang #! just allows for easy execution.)

import httplib2
import json
#the primary key for the report
reportPrimaryKey = "1234"
#the name of the plugin to run
pluginName = "YOUR_PLUGIN"
h = httplib2.Http()
h.add_credentials('ionadmin', 'ionadmin')
headers = {"Content-type": "application/json","Accept": "application/json"}
url = 'http://ionwest' + '/rundb/api/v1/results/' + reportPrimaryKey + "/plugin/"
pluginUpdate  = {"plugin": [pluginName]}
resp, content = h.request(url, "POST", body=json.dumps(pluginUpdate),headers=headers )
print resp
print content

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