Before Reading This Document

To facilitate your learning the API, we recommend that you run the examples as you work through the cookbook. You can install the necessary programming languages and libraries and run the examples as shown, or modify the examples for your particular language and programming environment. These simple examples are shown using an easy-to-read programming language, requiring minimal glue logic, so they should be easily portable to other languages.

To run the examples or to interactively work with the API using cURL or a REST client, you need a Torrent Server available. Remember to change the server name and credentials shown in the example to those required by your server.

Writing applications using the REST API involves basic web programming. You should have some previous experience developing service-oriented web applications.

You may find the documentation in the following list helpful to provide more insight into the topics presented in the cookbook. This content might prove most useful when you extend the examples and create your own applications:

  • The cookbook is intended to provide only the essential information need to get started developing applications. To this end, the examples typically involve resources having a small number of data fields to reduce the amount of non-essential information in the presentation. Refer to the Torrent Suite™ Software Database Tables for a complete, detailed description of each resource. Notice that in the current API version, not all of the resources are exposed by the API.
  • For a complete description of the API syntax and functionality for all resources, refer to the API references tables document Torrent Suite™ Software API Reference.
  • Once you have gained a basic familiarity with API programming, use the Torrent Suite™ Software API Quick Reference to help recall details about the API that may take some time to remember.

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About the Examples

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Connect with the Server

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