Get Chef Cartridgeusage Resource

Resource URL http://mytorrentserver/rundb/api/v1/getchefcartridgeusage/
Schema URL http://mytorrentserver/rundb/api/v1/getchefcartridgeusage/schema/

Resource Fields

field help text default nullable readonly blank unique type
hoursSinceSolutionFirstUse Integer number of hours between (oldest associated experiment using Solution) and (chefCurrentTime). Rounded down to the nearest hour is OK. Ex: 24 n/a true true true false Integer
numberSolutionSerialUsage Integer number. No of Solution cartridge Usage Ex: 2 n/a true true true false Integer
errorCodes A lists of data. Ex: [“E200”] or [“W100”, “W200”] n/a true true true false List Object
allowRunToContinue Boolean string data. Ex: “true or false” n/a true true true false boolean
detailMessages A dictionary of data. Ex: {‘E300’: ‘No. of reagent and solution usage do not match’} n/a true true true false dict
numberReagentSerialUsage Integer number. No of Reagent cartridge Usage Ex: 2 n/a true true true false Integer
hoursSinceReagentFirstUse Integer number of hours between (oldest associated experiment using Reagent) and (chefCurrentTime). Rounded down to the nearest hour is OK. Ex: 48 n/a true true true false Integer

Example Response

    "hoursSinceSolutionFirstUse": "",
    "numberSolutionSerialUsage": 0,
    "errorCodes": [
    "allowRunToContinue": false,
    "detailMessages": {
        "E305": "Missing chef inputs filter option ['chefReagentsSerialNum', 'chefSolutionsSerialNum', 'kitName']"
    "numberReagentSerialUsage": 0,
    "hoursSinceReagentFirstUse": ""

Allowed list HTTP methods

  • GET

Allowed detail HTTP methods
