Composite Experiment Resource

Resource URL http://mytorrentserver/rundb/api/mesh/v1/compositeexperiment/
Schema URL http://mytorrentserver/rundb/api/mesh/v1/compositeexperiment/schema/

Resource Fields

field help text default nullable readonly blank unique type
storage_options Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World” A false false false false string
chipType Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World” n/a false false false false string
results Many related resources. Can be either a list of URIs or list of individually nested resource data. n/a false false false false related
runMode Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World”   false false true false string
chefStartTime A date & time as a string. Ex: “2010-11-10T03:07:43” n/a true false false false datetime
_host Host this resource is located on. n/a false true false false string
id Integer data. Ex: 2673   false false true true integer
chefSolutionsSerialNum Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World”   false false true false string
platform Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World”   false false true false string
status Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World”   false false true false string
star Boolean data. Ex: True false false false true false boolean
resultDate A date & time as a string. Ex: “2010-11-10T03:07:43” true true false false false datetime
flows Integer data. Ex: 2673 n/a false false false false integer
plan A single related resource. Can be either a URI or set of nested resource data. n/a true false true false related
date A date & time as a string. Ex: “2010-11-10T03:07:43” n/a false false false false datetime
ftpStatus Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World”   false false true false string
displayName Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World”   false false false false string
notes Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World” n/a true false false false string
pgmName Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World” n/a false false false false string
repResult A single related resource. Can be either a URI or set of nested resource data. n/a true false true false related
expName Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World” n/a false false false false string
chefReagentsSerialNum Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World”   false false true false string
resource_uri Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World” n/a false true false false string

Example Response

    "meta": {
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 8,
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 1,
        "next": "/rundb/api/mesh/v1/compositeexperiment/?offset=1&limit=1&format=json"
    "objects": [
            "chipDescription": "540",
            "chipType": "540",
            "results": [
                    "status": "Completed",
                    "processedflows": 0,
                    "libmetrics": {
                        "i100Q20_reads": 0,
                        "aveKeyCounts": 88,
                        "id": 1,
                        "resource_uri": "",
                        "q20_mean_alignment_length": 0
                    "representative": false,
                    "analysis_metrics": {
                        "ignored": 1042801,
                        "lib": 139085639,
                        "total_wells": 164699136,
                        "pinned": 2329,
                        "live": 140339912,
                        "excluded": 16543404,
                        "bead": 140400602,
                        "resource_uri": "",
                        "id": 1,
                        "empty": 6710000,
                        "libFinal": 93974105
                    "timeStamp": "2017-07-22T13:15:56.000197+00:00",
                    "analysismetrics": {
                        "ignored": 1042801,
                        "lib": 139085639,
                        "total_wells": 164699136,
                        "pinned": 2329,
                        "live": 140339912,
                        "excluded": 16543404,
                        "bead": 140400602,
                        "resource_uri": "",
                        "id": 1,
                        "empty": 6710000,
                        "libFinal": 93974105
                    "reportLink": "/output/Home/Auto_S5-540_WholeTranscriptomeRNA_91_003/",
                    "reportStatus": "Nothing",
                    "quality_metrics": {
                        "q0_mean_read_length": 149.579903660696,
                        "q0_reads": 93969124,
                        "q0_bases": "14055892515",
                        "q20_reads": 93969124,
                        "q20_bases": "11916010889",
                        "q20_mean_read_length": 149,
                        "id": 1,
                        "resource_uri": ""
                    "resultsName": "Auto_S5-540_WholeTranscriptomeRNA_91",
                    "projects": [
                            "resource_uri": "",
                            "id": 1,
                            "name": "demo",
                            "modified": "2018-02-28T17:32:01.000703+00:00"
                    "status_display": "Completed",
                    "qualitymetrics": {
                        "q0_mean_read_length": 149.579903660696,
                        "q0_reads": 93969124,
                        "q0_bases": "14055892515",
                        "q20_reads": 93969124,
                        "q20_bases": "11916010889",
                        "q20_mean_read_length": 149,
                        "id": 1,
                        "resource_uri": ""
                    "eas": {
                        "chipType": "540",
                        "reference": "",
                        "isPQ": false,
                        "references": "",
                        "barcodeKitName": "IonXpressRNA",
                        "resource_uri": ""
                    "resource_uri": "/rundb/api/v1/compositeresult/3/",
                    "id": 3,
                    "autoExempt": false,
                    "isShowAllMetrics": true
            "library": "",
            "sample": "",
            "runMode": "single",
            "storage_options": "A",
            "references": "",
            "chefStartTime": null,
            "repResult": "/rundb/api/v1/compositeresult/3/",
            "id": 91,
            "barcodedSamples": {},
            "chefSolutionsSerialNum": "",
            "barcodeId": "IonXpressRNA",
            "sampleSetName": "",
            "platform": "S5",
            "status": "run",
            "applicationCategoryDisplayedName": "RNA Sequencing",
            "star": false,
            "sampleDisplayedName": "",
            "resultDate": "2017-07-22T13:15:56.000197+00:00",
            "flows": 500,
            "plan": {
                "runType": "RNA",
                "sampleTubeLabel": null,
                "id": 99,
                "resource_uri": ""
            "date": "2017-02-21T12:59:23+00:00",
            "ftpStatus": "0",
            "displayName": "S5-540 WholeTranscriptomeRNA",
            "notes": "",
            "chipInstrumentType": "S5",
            "pgmName": "S16",
            "keep": false,
            "expName": "S5-540_WholeTranscriptomeRNA",
            "chefReagentsSerialNum": "",
            "resource_uri": "/rundb/api/mesh/v1/compositeexperiment/91/"
    "warnings": []

Allowed list HTTP methods

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

Allowed detail HTTP methods

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT