Ion Torrent™ Server API Quick Reference

REST request format


        [[&<filter>{=<value> | __<qualifier>=<value>}]...][&order_by=[-]<filter>]


curl --user ionuser:ionuser --header "Content-Type: application/json"
        --location 'http://ionwest.itw/rundb/api/v1/results'

REST methods

Method Function Element URI List URI
POST Create Create new entry in element Create new entry in list
GET Read Get URI content List URI members
PUT Update Replace URI content Replace URI members
DELETE Delete Delete URI element Delete list members

HTTP status codes

Method Code Meaning
GET 200 Resource exists
301 Permanently moved
401 Authorization err or
404 Not found
410 No longer exists
PUT/POST 200 Resource replaced
201 Resource created
204 No response
301 Redirect
400 Invalid data
401 Authorization error
409 Resource state conflict
500 Internal error
501 Method not implemented
DELETE 200 Resource deleted
400 Resource not deleted
401 Authorization error

Top-level requests

URI Scope
/rundb/api/v1/ Resource list
/rundb/api/v1/ <resource>/ Resource element list (default limit: 20)
/rundb/api/v1/ <resource>?limit =0 Resource element list; all elements
/rundb/api/v1/ <resource>/<key>/ Resrouce element
/rundb/api/v1/ <resource>/set/ <key>;<key>;.../ Multiple resource elements
/rundb/api/v1/ <resource>/schema Resource schema


  • ++ indicates PUT/POST/DELETE permitted
  • Bold type indicates KEY field


amb, bead, dud, empty, excluded, id, ignored, keypass_all_beads, lib, libFinal, libKp, libLive, libMix, lib_pass_basecaller, lib_pass_cafie, live, pinned, report, sysCF, sysDR, sysIE, tf, tfFinal, tfKp, tfLive, tfMix, washout, washout_ambiguous, washout_dud, washout_library, washout_live, washout_test_fragment

dnabarcode ++

adapter, annotation, floworder, id, index, length, name, sequence, type

experiment ++

autoAnalyze, backup, barcodeId, baselineRun, chipBarcode, chipType, cycles, date, expCompInfo, expDir, expName, flows, flowsInOrder, ftpStatus, id, library, libraryKey, log, metaData, notes, pgmName, project, reagentBarcode, results, sample, seqKitBarcode, star, storageHost, storage_options, unique, usePreBeadfind


comments, filesPrefix, id, location, name


default_command_line, default_flow_order, default_library_key, default_plugin_script, default_storage_options, default_test_fragment_key, fasta_path, id, name, plugin_folder, plugin_output_folder, records_to_display, reference_path, selected, sfftrim, sfftrim_args, site_name, web_root


See Filters (continued)


comments, id, name


autorun, chipType, date, id, libraryName, name, path, project, sample, selected, version


id, q0_100bp_reads, q0_15bp_reads, q0_50bp_reads, q0_bases, q0_max_read_length, q0_mean_read_length, q0_reads, q17_100bp_reads, q17_150bp_reads, q17_50bp_reads, q17_bases, q17_max_read_length, q17_mean_read_length, q17_reads, q20_100bp_reads, q20_150bp_reads, q20_50bp_reads, q20_bases, q20_max_read_length, q20_mean_read_length, q20_reads, report


bled, id, index_version, name, notes, reference_path, short_name, source, species, status, verbose_error, version

results ++

analysisVersion, analysismetrics, experiment, fastqLink, framesProcessed, id, libmetrics, log, metaData, pluginState, pluginStore, processedCycles, qualitymetrics, reportLink, reportstorage, resultsName, sffLink, status, tfFastq, tfSffLink, tfmetrics, timeStamp, timeToComplete

rig ++

alarms, comments, ftppassword, ftprootdir, ftpserver, ftpusername, last_clean_date, last_experiment, last_init_date, location, name, <nameValue>/status, state, updateflag, updatehome, version

runtype ++

barcode, description, id, runType


See Filters (continued)

Extended resources



Request Header:

Content-Type: application/json

Request Body:



{"plugin":["<pluginName>"], pluginconfig : { json params } }



  1. From results resource response:

    {"log": "/output/Home/Auto_B15-45_4_013/log.html"}
  2. Get file:


Filter qualifiers

Usage: <field>__<qualifier>=<value>

Example: library__contains=coli

contains icontains istartswith search
day iendswith lt startswith
endswith iexact lte week_day
exact in month year
gt iregex range  
gte isnull regex  

Sort parameter

Usage: order_by=[-]<filter>


(ascending) order_by=date
(descending) order_by=-date

Data format parameter

Format Parameter Note
JSON ?format=json  
XML ?format=xml Not supported

Supported run types (>= 3.x)

Run Type Description
RunType.FULLCHIP Whole chip PGM run.
RunType.THUMB Thumbnail run.
RunType.COMPOSITE Proton run.

Supported run levels (>= 3.x)

Run Level Description
RunLevel.PRE Runs after all analysis jobs have been submitted, but before any finish.
RunLevel.BLOCK Runs when an individual block finishes analysis. Occurs once for each block.
RunLevel.POST Runs after all blocks are done processing.
RunLevel.LAST Runs after everything, including other plugins. Multiple plugins w/ LAST will run at the same time.
RunLevel.DEFAULT Default run level, generally PGM runs.