URI Structure

The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a address string used to locate a named resource or group of resources over a network. The REST communication model uses a URI to identify resources with each resource having a unique URI.

The URI structure is hierarchical so a group of resources can be identified by specifying the location at a higher level in the address hierarchy, without specifying a particular resource.

Simplified syntax

The URI has a similar appearance to the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) you use in your browser. In fact, URL is a subset of the URI specification. REST URI components include:

  • The protocol (HTTP)
  • domain
  • path
  • resource ID


REST URI Description
http://myhost/rundb/api/v1/rig/testPGM Reference the specific rig resource named testPGM located at domain myhost and path rundb/api/v1/rig/.
http://myhost/rundb/api/v1/rig/ Reference all resources located at domain myhost and path rundb/api/v1/rig/.
rundb/api/v1/rig/testPGM Reference the specific rig resource named testPGM on localhost.

The URI may include your login username and password, and port number, as part of the host name.


Parameters can be appended to the URI to qualify requests.

The following symbols are used to specify URI parameters:

Symbol Description
? Introduces the parameter list.
& Parameter separator character.

Parameters are usually specified as name-value pairs.



Syntax specification

        [[&<filter>{=<value> | __<qualifier>=<value>}]...]

       username ::= User login name.

       password ::= User login password.

       host ::= Host server name.

       version ::= API version ID; e.g., 'V1'.

       resource ::= "analysismetrics" | "experiment" |
                  "fileserver" | "globalconfig" | "libmetrics" |
                  "location" | "plugin" |"qualitymetrics" |
                  "referencegenome" | "results" |"rig" | "tfmetrics"

       key ::= Specific resource instance name or identifier;
               Example: '12' for experiment 'id' = 12.

       filter ::= (resource-dependent)

       value ::= (filter-dependent)

       qualifier ::= contains | icontains | iexact | month | day |
                  in | range | endswith | iregex | regex | exact |
                  isnull | search | gt | istartswith | startswith |
                  gte | lt | week_day | iendswith | lte | year

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