Sampleannotation_Cv Resource

Resource URL: http://mytorrentserver/rundb/api/v1/sampleannotation_cv/

Schema URL: http://mytorrentserver/rundb/api/v1/sampleannotation_cv/schema/

Perform read-only operations on sampleannotation_cv resources. This resource corresponds to the supported sample relationships (Self | Proband, Tumor, Normal, Mother, Father, etc) in Ion Reporter™ Software.

Fields table

field help text default nullable readonly blank unique type
annotationType Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World” n/a false false false false string
uid Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World” n/a false false false true string
isIRCompatible Boolean data. Ex: True false false false true false boolean
sampleGroupType_CV A single related resource. Can be either a URI or set of nested resource data. n/a true false true false related
value Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World”   false false true false string
iRValue Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World” n/a true false false false string
iRAnnotationType Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World” n/a true false false false string
id Integer data. Ex: 2673   false false true true integer
isActive Boolean data. Ex: True true false false true false boolean
resource_uri Unicode string data. Ex: “Hello World” n/a false true false false string

Example request

Request URL: http://mytorrentserver/rundb/api/v1/sampleannotation_cv/?format=json&limit=1

Python example

import requests

ts_api_request = requests.get("http://mytorrentserver/rundb/api/v1/sampleannotation_cv/", params={"format": "json", "limit": 1})
ts_api_response = ts_api_request.json()

sampleannotation_cvs = ts_api_response["objects"]

for sampleannotation_cv in sampleannotation_cvs:
    print sampleannotation_cv

Torrent Server response

    "meta": {
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 34,
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 1,
        "next": "/rundb/api/v1/sampleannotation_cv/?offset=1&limit=1&format=json"
    "objects": [
            "annotationType": "relationshipRole",
            "uid": "SAMPLEANNOTATE_CV_0001",
            "isIRCompatible": true,
            "sampleGroupType_CV": "/rundb/api/v1/samplegrouptype_cv/1/",
            "value": "Sample",
            "iRValue": "Sample",
            "iRAnnotationType": "Relation",
            "id": 1,
            "isActive": true,
            "resource_uri": "/rundb/api/v1/sampleannotation_cv/1/"

Allowed HTTP methods

  • get
  • post
  • put
  • delete
  • patch

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