Fastq Creator Full Code ======================= .. code-block:: python #!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (C) 2012 Ion Torrent Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved # FastqCreator plugin import os import glob import json import traceback import pysam import subprocess from ion.utils import blockprocessing from ion.plugin import * # DNA base complements COMPLEMENT = {'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C', 'N': 'N'} def reverse_complement(sequence): return ''.join(COMPLEMENT[b] for b in sequence[::-1]) class FastqCreator(IonPlugin): version = "3.6.0-r%s" % filter(str.isdigit,"$Revision: 56860 $") runtypes = [ RunType.COMPOSITE, RunType.THUMB, RunType.FULLCHIP ] def bam2fastq(self, bam_filename_list, fastq_filename): try: with open(fastq_filename, 'w') as fastq_file: for bam_file in bam_filename_list: if os.path.exists(bam_file): try: samfile = pysam.Samfile(bam_file, mode="rb",check_header=False,check_sq=False) for x in samfile.fetch(until_eof=True): if x.is_reverse: qual = x.qual[::-1] seq = reverse_complement(x.seq) else: qual = x.qual seq = x.seq fastq_file.write("@%s\n%s\n+\n%s\n" % (x.qname,seq,qual)) samfile.close() except: traceback.print_exc() except: traceback.print_exc() def bam2fastq_picard(self, bam_filename_list, fastq_filename): try: com = blockprocessing.bam2fastq_command(bam_filename_list[0],fastq_filename) ret =,shell=True) except: traceback.print_exc() def launch(self, data=None): with open('startplugin.json', 'r') as fh: spj = json.load(fh) net_location = spj['runinfo']['net_location'] basecaller_dir = spj['runinfo']['basecaller_dir'] alignment_dir = spj['runinfo']['alignment_dir'] barcodeId = spj['runinfo']['barcodeId'] runtype = spj['runplugin']['run_type'] url_path = os.getenv('TSP_URLPATH_PLUGIN_DIR','./') print url_path output_stem = os.getenv('TSP_FILEPATH_OUTPUT_STEM','unknown') print "TSP_FILEPATH_OUTPUT_STEM: %s" % output_stem reference_path = os.getenv('TSP_FILEPATH_GENOME_FASTA','') with open(os.path.join(basecaller_dir, "datasets_basecaller.json"),'r') as f: datasets_basecaller = json.load(f); for dataset in datasets_basecaller['datasets']: print dataset # input bam_list = [] if reference_path != '': # don't use aligned bam files (TS-6279) or reverse-complemented it bam = os.path.join(alignment_dir, dataset['file_prefix']+'.bam') else: bam = os.path.join(basecaller_dir, dataset['file_prefix']+'.basecaller.bam') print bam if os.path.exists(bam): bam_list.append(bam) # output if barcodeId: dataset['fastq'] = dataset['file_prefix'].rstrip('_rawlib')+'_'+output_stem+'.fastq' else: dataset['fastq'] = output_stem+'.fastq' if len(bam_list) == 0: print 'WARNING: missing input file(s) for %s' % dataset['fastq'] continue try: #use pysam only for unmapped bam files #self.bam2fastq_pysam(bam_list,dataset['fastq']) self.bam2fastq_picard(bam_list,dataset['fastq']) except: traceback.print_exc() with open('FastqCreator_block.html','w') as f: f.write('To download: "Right Click" -> "Save Link As..."
\n') for fastq_file in glob.glob('*.fastq'): size = os.path.getsize(fastq_file)/1000 f.write('%s %sK
\n' % (os.path.join(net_location, url_path, fastq_file), fastq_file, size)) f.write('\n') return True def report(self): output = { 'sections': { 'title': 'FastqCreator', 'type': 'html', 'content': '

FastqCreator util

', }, } return output def metrics(self): """ Write result.json metrics """ return { 'blocks': 96 } # dev use only - makes testing easier if __name__ == "__main__": PluginCLI(FastqCreator())