Proton Autorun Plugin Example CodeΒΆ

# Copyright (C) 2013 Ion Torrent Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved

import datetime
import os
import sys
import simplejson as json
from subprocess import *
from ion.plugin import *
from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict

class protonAutoBlockProcessEx(IonPlugin):
        version = '0.5'
        # Define when this plugin will automatically run.
        # In this case, we only want it to run on composite (proton) runs.
        # The run levels are: (RunLevel.<level>)
        #       PRE:   run once all block jobs have been submitted.
        #       BLOCK: run after each individual block finishes. (So, up to 96 times.)
        #       POST:  run after everything is done.
        # The run types are: (RunType.<type>)
        #       FULLCHIP:  PGM full chip analysis.
        #       THUMB:     Thumbnail analysis.
        #       COMPOSITE: Proton analysis.
        runtypes = [ RunType.COMPOSITE ]
        runlevels = [ RunLevel.PRE, RunLevel.BLOCK, RunLevel.POST ]
        envDict = dict(os.environ)

        # The launch script will check what run level we are on and act appropriately.
        # NOTE: this plugin is designed to be run in automatic mode, and it assumes that the run is composite due to the runtypes filter.
        def launch(self, data=None):
                # Read json data.
                json_file = open('%s/startplugin.json'%self.envDict['TSP_FILEPATH_PLUGIN_DIR'], 'r')
                json_dat = json.loads(

                # Define the run level.
                runlevel = json_dat['runplugin']['runlevel']
                print '----------\nRUN LEVEL: %s\nPLUGIN DIR: %s\n-----------'%(runlevel, self.envDict['TSP_FILEPATH_PLUGIN_DIR'])

                # Open the html block file for appending and reading.
                htmlPath = '%s/plugin_out/protonAutoBlockProcessEx_out/protonAutoBlockProcessEx_block.html'%self.envDict['ANALYSIS_DIR']
                htmlOut = open(htmlPath, 'a+')
                if os.path.getsize(htmlPath) == 0:

                # Take action based on run level.
                if runlevel == 'pre':
                        print '    PRE-run launch @%s'"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                        htmlOut.write('<br/><b>PRE-run</b> "analysis" launch. Time=%s'"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
                elif runlevel == 'block':
                        # Determine the block's X & Y coord's from its filepath.
                        bDir = self.envDict['TSP_FILEPATH_PLUGIN_DIR']
                        bX = bDir[bDir.find('_X')+2:bDir.find('_Y')]
                        bY = bDir[bDir.find('_Y')+2:bDir.find('/', bDir.find('_Y'))]
                        print '    BLOCK X%s_Y%s launch @%s'%(bX, bY,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
                        htmlOut.write('<br/><b>BLOCK X%s_Y%s</b> "analysis" launch. Time=%s'%(bX, bY,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
                elif runlevel == 'post':
                        print '    POST-run launch @%s'"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                        htmlOut.write('<br/><b>POST-run</b> "analysis" launch. Time=%s'"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
                elif runlevel == 'default':
                        print '    DEFAULT launch @%s'"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                        htmlOut.write('<br/><b>DEFAULT</b> "analysis" launch. Time=%s'"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
                        print '    \**Unrecognized run level.'

                # Exit gracefully.
                return True

if __name__ == '__main__':

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