Endpoint Metadata

Each endpoint response includes metadata similar to the following example:

        "limit": 20,
        "next": null,
        "offset": 0,
        "previous": null,
        "total_count": 1
Metadata field Description
limit The maximum number of elements to return in the response. A response may include fewer elements if the resource has less than limit elements. Default = 20.
offset The number of the first element to return in the response. The total number returned is determined by the limit field. Default = 0.
total_count The total number of resource elements. This is not the number of elements actually returned in the response unless the response included all resource elements.
next The URI of the next element, following the last element returned in the response. If all resource elements are included in the response, this value is null.
previous The URI of the previous resource element, if the first element returned in the response is not the first resource element. If all resource elements are included in the response, this value is null.

Tip: Recall that an endpoint request does not specify a particular resource element. Example:


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