Links to References =================== This page provides links to background information about the underlying web service technology. .. note:: While we attempt to keep these links current, your mileage may vary. .. _apiug-introref-tech: Technology ---------- HTTP ^^^^ `RFC 2616, Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 (IETF) `_ `Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Wikipedia) `_ REST ^^^^ `Representational State Transfer (Wikipedia) `_ `Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures (Fielding - dissertation) `_ `RESTful Web Services (O'Reilly Media) `_ `Learn REST: A Tutorial `_ Django ^^^^^^ `Django Homepage `_ `Django 1.3 Documentation - QuerySet API reference - Field lookups `_ `Interacting With The API `_ `Django and The MVC pattern in web development `_ PostgreSQL ^^^^^^^^^^ `PostgreSQL Documentation `_ .. _apiug-introref-tools: Tools ----- cURL ^^^^ `cURL Documentation and Installation `_ REST clients ^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Firefox REST Client `_ `Chrome REST Client `_ `RESTClient `_ Python REST libraries used in the examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ` API `_ ` `_ ` `_ Python JSON parser used in the examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ` `_